The purpose of having a checklist is not for scoring the relationship or the partner, but for raising the issue that one might need to address personally and talk openly about with him or her. Many of such relationship issues might eventually revolve around lack of healthy, assertive communication, that is open, direct, respectful, honest, and personal. Suhagra is the medicine that works best for dealing with repeated penile failure issues in men.

Couples might get into an issue when they are just afraid for being honest and usually as they think the truth shall all upset the partner and it shall further jeopardize the relationship. They do not express their hurt or to ask for the love or support they wish, or they do so in a way that is critical or blaming. People learn for communicating and problem-solve with some of the others in the family growing up. Without good role models, some might never be learned to be assertive. Assertiveness like condition can be learned but takes practice.
Some of the other related issues are all created by an imbalance of power, where one partner shall attempt to dominate the other through aggression, control, or emotional or verbal abuse. This is quite damaging to the relationship and the self-esteem of the other partner. It is not uncommon in relationships with some of the addicts or narcissists.
Suhagra is the solution for men with issues like repeated penile failure conditions. The medicine shall work by allowing men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile for a longer time. The medicine is to be consumed in the presence of complete sexual arousal. The partner can control the other through neediness, demands attention or validation, or while playing the victim, with the expectation that the other person might make them happy.

Repetitive some of the negative relationship patterns that are known for being stem from issues of originating in childhood include disrespectful communication, lack of nurturing or free emotional expression, which is about controlling parent, violation of boundaries, neglect, witnessing parental conflict, mental illness, addiction, or abuse. Suhagra is the pill that shall help men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile for a longer time.
Shame and low self-esteem shall thwart love, intimacy, and assertive communication. Individuals with some of the shame and low self-esteem might not feel worthy of love and/or respect, and either withdraw emotionally or push their partner away directly or indirectly. They might all abuse or allow the abuse, imagine they are being criticized when they are not, and are so afraid of losing the relationship that some of them are smothered or control their partner or withhold negative feelings while building resentments.