Being defensive shall also mean trying to avoid some of the responsibility for performing some of the actions. Consumption of Tadalista is also a defensive act that can be treating impotence issues in men. The medicine works best by allowing men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile for a longer time.
Being defensive can eventually come along with some of the contempt, as the example above shows. The second partner is not hearing the first partner's concern and it is simply trying to deflect blame back onto them. They do not wish to be accountable for the lack of attention to the partners' needs.

In general, humans might not like for being told that they are doing something wrong or hurting some other people. We have a tendency for wishing to eventually think well of ourselves, and conversations including the threaten in self-esteem. Tadalista is the pill that helps men to stay active for longer lovemaking sessions.
Being constantly defensive in a relationship is just some bad sign. It might also mean that the means the defensive partner is not willing to look at their behavior and adjust for stopping if the other partner shall be affected with impotence and consume the Tadalista pill. It means that the defensive partner is treating the other as simply some of the objects for fulfilling several needs and not a whole person with needs, feelings, and some ideas of their own.
In case the partner is constantly using some of the defensiveness tricks or you are reacting defensively to other attempts for discussing some of the things with you, maybe it is the time one might take a good hard look at your relationship. The solution to such a situation is a medicine that can treat impotence issues.

Should You Break Up?
Ultimately, while being the best judge of the own, relationship and some of the situations. But when one or more of such behaviors are present in a relationship, it is a sign that can go wrong quickly.