We know an erection to be the most obvious sign of male sexual arousal. It is a physical response to some chemical reactions present in the body. During sexual arousal, tiny blood vessels in the penis shall dilate. Three tubes of spongy tissue (called the corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum) fill with blood, and an erection shall take place. After ejaculation or loss of sexual arousal, that blood shall all drain away, and the penile can revert to its flaccid size and appearance. If impotence like issue bothers, consuming Kamagra Gold-50mg can help.

You might have a penile erection condition as the head is not in the game, or you are not sufficient in the mood. Being completely stressed or distracted can eventually affect the quality of penile erection you might develop. Slowing things down and spending some more time on foreplay might help, eventually.
Say No To Alcohol And Smoking
Drinking too much and making use of tobacco can affect the quality of penile erection. Knocking back too many things might eventually lead to occasional incidents of “whiskey dick” like conditions. Smoking conditions can also help in leading to blood vessel damage and impotence issue in men. It is best to drink in moderation and avoid consumption of tobacco altogether.
Effective ED medications
Oral medications for impotence are super safe and effective. Several are available, including Kamagra Gold-50mg. The pill shall help men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile for longer lovemaking sessions. Medicine shall work only when it is consumed in the presence of complete sexual arousal.
Healthy Lifestyle
The penile erection shall be best when you are healthy and consuming the Kamagra Gold-50mg pill can help in dealing with the issue. Making some simple lifestyle changes, like getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet, this might be enough for improving impotence.
Communication with your partner
Talking openly with the partner about some sexual likes, dislikes, and fantasies can help in sustaining a lovemaking session in a long-term relationship more exciting. Do not bring conflicts into the bedroom relationship issues can contribute to impotence which can be treated with Kamagra Gold-50mg medicine.